Responsible Tourism
Concept of Responsible Tourism
The advent of Responsible Travel in 2001 popularised the term Responsible Tourism as the prevalent terms like ‘Eco-Tourism’ and ‘Green Tourism’.
Responsible Tourism primarily envisages three kinds of responsibilities which are termed as the ‘triple bottom-line’ such as economic responsibility, social responsibility and environmental responsibility. The Cape Town Declaration of 2002 gave detailed picture for the concept of responsible tourism.
According to Cape Town Declaration, Responsible Tourism is about making “better places for people to live, and better places for people to visit” with giving emphasis on formerly creating better places for local people and latter for tourists.
It demands destinations and enterprises to determine their priorities in the light of the environmental and socio-cultural characteristics of the destination by accepting Diversity, transparency and respect as core values.
Kerala and Responsible Tourism
Kerala, being one of the prime tourism destinations around the globe and is considered as the tourism trendsetter in the country. The availability of ample natural resources, skilled manpower, encouraging entrepreneurial community, well-built local-self-governments, civil society organizations, mass of micro enterprises, pack of professionals and academicians, liable media and responsive tourism industry, provide the state a perfect model to execute and exercise ‘Responsible Tourism.’
Yatramantra™ and Responsible Tourism
Yatramantra™ being a travel portal joins hand with the novel concept of Responsible Tourism to enhance the benefits of tourism to local people and places.
It is said that Responsible Tourism relishes “the diversity of our world’s cultures, habitats and species and the wealth of our cultural and natural heritage” and therefore accepts “that responsible and sustainable tourism will be achieved in different ways in different places.”
Yatramantra™ welcomes the vision of the Declaration which emphasises that it is only at the local level, where tourists and locals interact, that tourism can be sustainably managed.
We are dedicated to make the difference and be a part of changing the world by taking the responsibility and strive to fulfil the strands of accountability and responding to a perceived need. To make a change means is to “Run a Marathon”, yes it’s not sprint.
Responsible Tourism being culturally sensitive and brings about respect between tourists and hosts, and builds local pride and confidence, Yatramantra™ is get set to propagate Responsible Tourism which covers all forms of tourism.
We do strictly follow the contribution of Responsible Tourism to the society. With the concept of RT, Yatramantra™ seeks out ways to lessen negative economic, environment and social impacts.
We hereby take initiative to create greater economic benefits to local people and enhance the wellbeing of local communities by improving working conditions and access to the industry.
We are here to construct ideas that formulate positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, and preservation of the world’s diversity.
We make platforms to involve local people in decisions that affect their lives and life chances.
It is our prime duty to conduct programmes to provide more enjoyable experiences for tourists through more meaningful connections with local people, and a greater understanding of local cultural, social and environmental issues.
We strives our best to provide access for physically challenged people.
Yatramantra™ is committed for a change exclusively for the concept Responsible Tourism. We are on to create better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit, thus making at least a small part of the world a better place.