Forum Rules
- Read the forums rules and guidelines before posting for the first time and Search other posts to see if your topic is already covered.
- Use a meaningful title for your thread & stay on the topic as well.
- This group is for travellers and travel-related queries which is a big part of what’s going to be posted here.
- English is the official language of this group and the use of any other language is discouraged. Regional language posts will not be approved.
- Humour is accepted but not on the cost of someone else being hurt. Posts may be read by people from a variety of backgrounds and ages.
- Selling stuff, affiliates, referrals, nudity/pornography or any other self interest-based recommendation topics are not allowed.
- Don’t offend or abuse any member or admins.
- Our editors may correct the content in the forum to prevent spam links and to ensure better understandability.
- Do not post spam-related / copyright content to your product, service or business, blog promotion or YouTube channel links.
- Political content, Religious memes or posts harming someone’s religious beliefs isn’t allowed.
- Do not submit a post that requires readers to download a large attachment.
- In order to be understood by most people, maintain proper English and avoid slang unless you know the word or phrase will be understood by other members.
- Act in a give and take manner; help others as often as or more than you ask for help.
- Do not use someone else’s thread for a private conversation.
- Do not post new problems on someone else’s subject and interrupt a topic of discussion.
- Do not use words like urgent or important in your subject line,be patient.